Trainee Grants


VASGBI funds project grants for trainees that focus on the field of vascular anaesthesia. The value of the grant is up to £5000. The grants are advertised by the NIAA. Previous topics that have received VASGBI funding include

  • An audit of Carotid Endarterectomy Blood Pressure
  • Inter-Test Reliability of Point of Care Platelet Function Tests: An Aid to Risk Stratification Prior to Regional Anaesthesia in Patients Taking Clopidogrel
  • Platelet function in patients undergoing major, non-cardiac vascular surgery: a prospective cohort study
  • Multicentre validation ion heart rate variability as a measure of peri-operative risk in vascular surgical patients - a pilot study (VERVE-V)
  • Machine learning to establish the best outcome predictors of complications in open TIV TAAA repair

Grant applications can be submitted through the NIAA website - the closing date is noon on Friday 25th April 2025. 

For more details or to enquire about the suitability of a project, please email Jane at for the attention of the Audit and Research chair.

Below is a Q&A with a trainee who completed a project with support from VASGBI:

Dooley J, Armstrong RA, Jepson M, Squire Y, Hinchliffe RJ, Mouton R. Qualitative study of clinician and patient perspectives on the mode of anaesthesia for emergency surgery. Br J Surg. 2020 Jan;107(2):e142-e150. []

1.  How did you hear about the VASGBI Trainee Research Development Grant?

  • I heard about the Grant from a Consultant in my Trust. I was trying to get some research experience at the time and it seemed a perfect opportunity to support a project I could lead.

2.  What did you need to gather before applying?

  • I needed a Consultant Supervisor to support my application and to help me develop my project idea. I also spoke to my Trust Research and Development team for some help with the costings.

3.  How did you find the application process?

  • I was pleasantly surprised! There is clear guidance on formatting and what is required. All of the work I put into writing the application was helpful in the long run for developing my project idea and focusing my plan. I submitted my application along with a cover letter and was thrilled when I heard back that I had been successful!

4.  How did the VASGBI Trainee Research Development Grant help you?

  • I used the Grant to complete a qualitative study of patient and clinicians’ experiences of mode of anaesthesia for emergency EVAR which was published in the British Journal of Surgery. I needed lots of input from a skilled qualitative researcher and that wouldn’t have been possible without the Grant. Being awarded the Grant and completing the project definitely helped me in securing an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship post. I would encourage anyone with a project idea to apply!