Roles and Responsibilities of the Education and Training subcommittee
Free Paper and Abstract presentations at the ASM
The Education and Training Sub-committee will be responsible for organising, scoring and judging of the free-papers and abstracts submitted for presentation at the ASM.
Input into the Royal College of Anaesthetists Training curriculum
As the College is currently reviewing and rewriting the training curriculum it is important that the Society, via the Training and Education sub-committee, maintain its input into this process as a key stakeholder in helping to shape vascular anaesthesia training in the future.
Input into the Royal College of Anaesthetist Consultants CPD framework
Management and content of the education section of the VASGBI website
Ideas and content for this section of the website will be gratefully received.
Members of this sub-committee will be co-opted from the membership of the VASGBI but must include at least one member of the VASGBI committee, who will usually act as chair. Other members can be other VASGBI committee members, usually including the trainee representative, but also representatives from the wider VASGBI membership are encouraged to join.
Vascular Fellowships
If anyone is interested in a Vascular Fellowship details of hospitals offering this can be found here.
Current members of the committee
Dr Vanessa Fludder (Brighton & Sussex University Hospital) - Chair
Dr Grant Harris (Liverpool) - Trainee Representative
Dr Joanna White (Oxford)
Dr Kate Nickell (Bristol)